

Packaging design should work both in the physical and digital terms.

There is a need for branding that customers can quickly identify digitally.

The digital label is a new channel of communication with the consumer, an opportunity to unload the packaging facings and tell more about the product than is placed on the package: information about the origin, production processes and other advantages.

This can speed up the purchase decision.

• How to do it?
With Innovative Cooler Screens. 

•What is it?
Smart digital display built into refrigerator doors in supermarkets. The display shows all packages placed in the refrigerator, as well as all advertising information and cost. The entire visual is easily and quickly adjusted to the necessary tasks.

This way you can announce new types of products, learn about current promotions or awards that the brand has received at exhibitions: and for this you do NOT have to change the design and print a separate edition of physical packaging, using additional financial investments.

A digital label is a great opportunity to simplify the packaging design and focus on maximum visual impact and recognition, without trying to fit everything on the package at once. This technology has already been launched and is working in many US stores.